My name is Sean Qian. Qian reads like [Chien], or if you insist trying its perfect pronunciation.
I am a Professor jointly appointed at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (major) and Heinz College (minor) at Carnegie Mellon University. I also direct the Mobility Data Analytics Center (MAC).
My research interests lie in the integration and optimization of civil infrastructure systems. The primary focus is to manage an aging and overcrowded infrastructure and urban complex systems, and to build a sustainable and resilient infrastructure network. I have been developing optimization and statistical models of infrastructure networks by applying theories of network flow and economics. I did my postdoc at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University from 2011-2013. I received my PhD degree in Civil Engineering at University of California Davis in 2011. I was also affliated with Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis.
My Homepage.
Infrastructure management
Dynamic network modeling (routing, simulation and optimization)
Intelligent transportation system (ITS)
Data mining
Infrastructure resilience -
Urban systems interdependency
Multi-modal transportation
Parking management
Transportation economics
Traffic operations